DONIC Contact Pro Table Tennis Rubber Glue

Brand: Donic

Product Code: 600286

Availability: In Stock

Price: £19.99  £16.95

DONIC Contact Pro Table Tennis Rubber Glue

DONIC CONTACT PRO is a VOC-free table tennis rubber glue specially developed for gluing rubber sheets with medium and large pored sponges. It's viscous consistency fills the pores of the sponge completely and enlarges the gluing surface which enhances the ball feedback. Easy handling due to tube and application sponge.  
Made in Germany

Apply the table tennis rubber glue evenly on the blade and table tennis rubber using the application sponges included. Allow to dry thoroughly (at least 10 minutes, surfaces must no longer be wet) and carefully assemble the rubber to the blade using a pressure roller.
Carefully cut off any protruding parts of the rubber sheet with scissors or sharpe craft knife along the edge of the blade.
After use, store the glue in a cool place.

  • Item:           Donic contact pro glue
  • Size:            Tube 90ml
  • Application: Sponges included


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